Koh Phi Phi


It’s a cloudy day when we take the ferry to Koh Phi Phi. We are covered in sunblock and napping in the shade on the roof for two and a half hours, yet we end up with awkward tanlines and sunburns by the time we get off the boat.

As soon as we dock and pay the 20 baht tax for staying on the island, we head to Flower Bungalows, which is like the cheapest place in Phi Phi, but also a total shit hole. We just throw our stuff there and go for a cider at Dojo, where a guy named Colin comes up and serves us until he reveals that he doesn’t even work there. He’s a hilarious guy, and he ends up staying at our table for a few hours, talking about various awkward topics, and pulling passing people into the conversation.

We then go to a beauty salon called Anita’s. Here I’ll advise men, family members and other people that can’t stand reading about naked people, vaginas or waxing to stop reading. This is too much information.

We have our legs waxed in beds right by the window. Like, people can see us from the streets. A couple walks in for a foot massage, and they are sat on chairs directly across from us, where they can watch us getting our hairs ripped off. The girl smiles at me a few times. It’s all fine, although I have a sunburn on my knees, so warm wax and what happens next hurts like a mother. Then, we decide we might as well get a bikini wax, as showers are hard to come by, which makes shaving impossible, and we’re going to be in bikinis. I am the first one, and I’ve never tried it before, so I am terrified. Two women are working on me/holding me down, while Sara is talking to me on the other side of the curtain (they put me in a more private bed with a curtain around it, thank God). I am laughing the whole time, because of the pain and how awkward my life is. At least I have more fun than the guy getting the foot massage, as he is apparently cringing everytime he hears hairs getting ripped off my private parts.

OK, families and men can read again now.
We have dinner and a bucket at Reggae Bar, where a kickboxing match is taking place. We then head to Banana Bar, where Sara and Tori play beer pong before we get a big bunch of people to play flip cup. I am fucking awesome at it, and my team win 4 times in a row, before a few losses and then more wins. The group heads to the beach, where everyone on this island go after midnight, and it is super crowded and the music is terrible. We lose Tori and the crowd at some point and look for them while doing some troll dancing and going in the water. It smells really bad, by the way.

My very first bucket(s)